Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tomorrow is the Day

Ready or not, here it comes. Tomorrow is my first day back to work and Colin's first day at the Child Development Center. I can't believe how quickly time has passed. I'm filled with a flurry of emotions - anxiety, excitement, nervousness to name a few. I hope that we make it through this transition smoothly. I'm looking forward to returning to work, but am sad at the thought of someone else caring for our little boy. I'll let you know how it goes.

Ashley came to visit this weekend. Mom, Ashley and I had lunch at Panera (home of delicious broccoli cheddar soup) and dessert at Cupcake (need I say more). It was wonderful to spend time with her. We miss her and her Mato. Colin decided to ham it up a little when we got home and Ashley was able to snag this wonderful photo. It's the first one of him smiling/laughing. I can't get enough of his gummy grins!

At Two Months...
Colin, you have grown so much. You are learning new things about the world, our family and yourself everyday. I love watching you discover your surroundings. You smile and laugh more (mostly at me, which I'm secretly thrilled about). Your favorite thing to stare at is the ceiling fan. Apparently this is a common thing among babies. You are definitely a momma's boy, but you love your daddy, too. You are super strong. You can hold your head up on your own and lift your head during tummy time. You are really close to rolling over in one direction. You have found your hands and really like putting them in your mouth. I could never say how much we love you and how much you have enriched our lives.

Always, always and always.


  1. Colin is going to rock it with the bunnies!
    I'm praying for you, Ryan and Colin today. :)
