Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rendered Useless (Well... Sort Of)

Colin had his first bottle this weekend and he took to it like a champ. I'm glad that we haven't had any problems getting him on the bottle because he starts the Child Development Center in less than two weeks. He's still getting my milk, but not directly from me. This new independence will take some getting used to. It also makes me realize that my little man isn't quite so little anymore. Ryan had a good time giving Colin his first bottle. I think they have plans to take over the world - one fun day at a time.

We also went to the pediatrician today for his six-week visit, which included four vaccinations. According his doctor, he's doing beautifully. His heart murmur sounded softer and will be checked again when he is six months old. He weighs about 12 lbs and is 23 inches long. Colin is living up to his daddy's name as a "Big Fun" baby.

In other news, Ryan had the weekend off and we made the most of it. We took Colin to Ikea on Saturday to shop for the spare bedroom and pick up the last chair for our dinette. We enjoyed lunch at PF Changs and even went by Cheesecake Factory for Red Velvet Cheesecake and Linda's Fudge Cake to devour at home. Neither dessert made it through the night. On Sunday, we stumbled upon the froggy shower decorations we have been searching for. Colin now has an adorable bathroom! We still have to paint every room in the house (except the nursery), but it is coming along. We also printed a bunch of photos for Colin's baby book. I plan to start working on it this week. We'll see how that goes...

Our privacy fence will be installed by the end of the day today. Molly will finally have reign over our backyard kingdom. It's silly that a fence can make us so excited. Even though I'm sure others aren't interested, be assured that a photo of the fence will make an appearance on Living the Fun Life. We are quite proud of the home we are building as a family.

1 comment:

  1. Shoot, when I got my fence...It was the best day ever.
    Zero loves laying out in the backyard!
    Like I said, there will be a cedar play-set in the backyard in NO time. :)

    I'm so glad that Colin is doing so well. Smooches from Aunt Ashley ad Uncle Mato his way! We also bought his Easter basket yesterday!
