Monday, June 20, 2011

First Father's Day

Yesterday was Ryan's very first Father's Day. We started the day with breakfast. While Ryan slept, Colin and I made sausage biscuits for Daddy. Breakfast (arguably our favorite meal) was ready when he came down the stairs. Next came presents - an ipod classic and two cards (one from me and one from Colin). The ipod is 160 GB. He'll never fill it up and it should last a long time. If anyone is interested in future gifts for my husband, itunes gift cards are a sure-fire win.  

While the ipod charged, it was time for cuddles with our "kids." Ryan curled up with Molly and Colin for a little lovin'.

 Then we went to church.


After church, Ryan requested wings and beer for his Father's Day feast, so it was off to Wild Wing Cafe in Harbison with my mom, dad and Ashley. Wings and Blue Moon = Deliciousness. We also visited with Ryan's family (Mom, Dad, Heather, David and Brayden) to celebrate. We had the most amazing Key Lime Pie (I'm still thinking about it), Apple Pie and ice cream.

All in all, I hope that we gave Ryan a memorable first Father's Day. He deserves it. I could not have a better husband and Colin could not have a better father. One thing is for certain - I've got my hands full with my two guys and wouldn't have it any other way.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rice, Rice, Baby

Since our last blog post, things have been quite exciting at the Fun house. Colin had his four-month doctor's visit. He is 15 lb 5 oz and 26.5 inches. According to his pediatrician, he is doing great, growing and developing just has he should. It is a bit alarming to know that he is almost wearing nine month old clothes and size three diapers. He's such a healthy, strong and growing little man. As a result, we've come to the realization that time is simply moving too fast.
Colin had his first taste of rice cereal this weekend. His pediatrician said that four months would be a good age to start if he seemed ready. He's been watching us eat and making chewing motions with his mouth, so we though we'd give it a try. Watch his first attempt at learning to eat something other than mommy's milk.

We went to the pool on Saturday morning for our second swim. It went well! Colin really likes the water. And, since it has been so HOT here lately, the water was the perfect temperature. Because we went early, we ended up being the only family there. That was awesome.

Colin is going through a growth spurt right now, wanting to eat all the time. But he's developing very well. He can roll over from his tummy to his back. He still "talks" all the time. He smiles and laughes, which always makes Ryan and me feel so good. Colin has started grabbing things. He recently found his feet and now can't get enough of grabbing them! It is pretty stinking adorable, but that's our boy.

Colin - You have already made us so proud at only four months old. Mommy and Daddy love you with all our hearts. Always, always and always.