Monday, April 4, 2011

Looks Like We Made It

We did it! Day one of work and day care is down for the count. It was great being back at work. I am working my way through e-mails and projects, trying to get my bearings. I can't wait to start once I catch up. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful co-workers. They welcomed me back with open arms and tons of support. They even made a "Welcome Back" sign and gave me balloons. One of them even brought me a muffin for breakfast.

Colin's first day went well, too. His teachers said that he had a wonderful first day of school. I went to visit/nurse during my lunch break. It was great to steal a few cuddles and smiles in the middle of the day. I think this will help both of us (definitely me). I know it will get easier everyday, but I sure do miss him.

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