Monday, April 25, 2011

It's Been Awhile

It's been more than a week since my last update, but we have been a bit busy. Sunday was Easter and Colin's first major holiday. He went to church for the first time and my mom was a walking cliche! The most accurate being "kid in a candy store." Afterward, we had lunch with my parents and went to visit Ryan's family. All in all, it was a wonderful day. Colin was in great form - talking and smiling. He loved the attention and reaped some serious Easter swag for 11 weeks old. He is such a happy baby and taking care of him is pure joy, even the poopy diapers. For your Easter enjoyment...

In other news, we found out that Timmy is being deployed to Afghanistan next month. We are worried about him, but trust that God will watch over him. Ashley is coming back to Lexington while Timmy is away to be with her friends and family. While we are sad that Colin's Uncle Mato is leaving, we can't help but be glad to have more time with Aunt Ashley.

We also learned that Roby, Ryan's best friend, has been hired at Emory University, which means that the boys will be back in the Southeast. We hope that he'll be happy there and I know Ryan is secretly thrilled that his best friend will be within driving distance.

Ryan's schedule is pretty great this week, so I'm looking forward to having dinner with him several nights. Speaking of my husband, his latest project is growing a garden. He keeps calling himself a farmer. That's my husband. The farmer. He's so excited that all the seeds are sprouting. Never did I think he would become so involved in growing vegetables. I'll post photos when we actually have food.

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